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Good results UNICEF programme in Burundi
16 December 2021

Good results UNICEF programme in Burundi

UNICEF has achieved good results with the Maman Lumière programme in Burundi. With this nutrition programme the UN Children’s rights organisation trains mothers in the basic principles of good nutrition, with which they can provide children the chance to grow up healthy. Van den Bosch has been supporting this valuable programme since the start of 2021.

Burundi is a green country, nestled in the heart of Africa. It is a fertile country, however battles a poignant nutritional problem. Approximately 1.2 million children are chronically malnourished: an issue strongly prohibiting their development. With the Maman Lumière programme UNICEF combats chronic malnutrition in Burundi, and thanks to the support of donors, UNICEF has reached thousands of children. 

Results in 2020-2021

  • 232 Maman Lumières and 116 health employees have been trained in the basic principles of healthy nutrition, giving informational sessions, and screening children for malnutrition.
  • The trained Maman Lumières organised educational sessions with which they reached over 38,000 children under the age of 5. Thanks to the screening sessions, 2,000 gravely malnourished children could be treated in time.
  • Through working with local companies in the food sector the programme enhanced the production of nutritional food. 928 kg of seeds (beans enriched with iron) and 34,965 kg of locally produced baby food (baby flour) has been distributed with which 11,000 children have been reached.
  • Currently the Maman Lumières perform monthly or quarterly checks on the nutritional health of over 38,000 children. An important result indicating that a community has been founded where the nutritional health of children is continuously monitored.

The Maman Lumière programme is currently in its pilot phase, being deployed in select provinces in Burundi. UNICEF plans to expand this programme to more Burundian provinces in the future.

Curious to see a day in the life of a ‘Maman Lumière’? Watch the video:

In the credits of the video is referred to support coming from Germany. Maman Lumière receives support from various countries, including UNICEF the Netherlands.

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