Partner login

Sealing Tool

Reach out to our online tool for sealing instructions for containers and trailers.


FreightInsight 2.0

New version with additional access to shipping documents, customisable data insights, detailed timeline and transport notifications.



Check the actual status of your shipments, the estimated time of arrival and many more via FreightInsight.


Charter portal

The charter portal provides transport partners access to transport planning, work instructions, orders and feedback.


Employee login


Tengio is the communication portal for Van den Bosch employees. Get connected!


Online Academy

Stay up to date on our latest procedures and e-learnings via our online Academy.


Citrix login

Employees can log in via a remote Citrix login. Receive your login via the ICT Service Desk.


General Terms & Conditions

  1. Unless prior agreement to the contrary has been made, expressly and in writing, the following conditions shall be applicable on all offers and/or agreements concluded by Van den Bosch (hereinafter: the contractor/we/our) with our principals, whereby we undertake to transport goods or have them transported (forwarding), to store and/or to distribute goods, to provide our mediation or to perform in any other manner whatsoever.

  2. Hereinafter "principal" shall be taken to mean all (legal) persons who have concluded an agreement with us, or wish to do so, and besides these, their representative(s), proxy(ies) and successor(s) in rights.

  3. The applicability of general conditions used by the principal is expressly rejected.

  4. It is an established fact between us and the principal that if a contract has been made under the applicability of these conditions they are also applicable to future offers and agreements regarding same or similar activities.

  5. Depending on the nature of the total order, work or other sort of performance, or of any part thereof which may reasonably be considered to be an independent part, the following general standard conditions and rules which are generally customary in the business sector concerned, shall be applicable alongside the applicable (inter)national legislation and regulations.

  6. At your request, a copy of the text of the conditions will be sent free of charge by e-mail or regular mail.
  7. In relation t the following conditions the latest version filed at the Registry of the District Courts of justice applies.


  1. Domestic and cross-border transport
    All activities performed in the context of domestic and cross-border transport, entrusted to Van den Bosch, are subject to both de General Transport Conditions 2002 (AVC 2002) and the 'Verdrag betreffende de overeenkomst tot internationaal vervoer van goederen op de weg' (CMR Genève 1956). De AVC 2002 are supplementary to CMR Treaty. The AVC are deposited at the Registry of the District Courts of justice of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

  2. (Combined and) deep sea transport
    Unless agreed otherwise in writing, all activities of Van den Bosch DMCC (JLT) are exclusively carried out in the capacity of forwarder. If Van den Bosch issues a Van den Bosch Bill of Lading ('Van den Bosch House Bill of Lading' or 'Van den Bosch Sea Waybill') Van den Bosch acts as a carrier, in which case the Terms and Conditions of the Van den Bosch House Bill of Lading / Van den Bosch Sea Waybill are applicable.

  3. Dangerous goods
    All transports of dangerous substances are, besides the provisions mentioned above, subject to the Accord Européen Relatif au Transport International des Marchandises Dangereus par route (ADR) (European Agreement on the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road).


  1. Forwarding
    All activities performed in the context of forwarding are subject to the General Conditions of the Federation of Dutch Forwarding Organizations (FENEX), deposited at the Registry of the District Courts of justice in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam on 1 July 2004.


  1. Warehousing
    All warehousing activities are subject to the Dutch warehousing conditions (FENEX) deposited by FENEX, Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics, at the Registry of the District Court of justice in Rotterdam on 15 November 1995.


  1. Payments
    Payment terms are net 30 days from date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed, explicitly and in writing. Both for the activities to which the above stated conditions apply and those to which they do not apply, the Payment Conditions of The Royal Dutch transport Federation (KNV Goederenvervoer), deposited at the Registry of the District Courts of justice in The Hague on 29 October 2002.
  2. Code of Conduct
    Our Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to a culture of integrity, honesty and accountability which will strengthen our reputation as an employer, a business partner and a good corporate citizen. The purpose of this Code is to guide and enhance the conduct and behaviour of our directors, officers, employees, contractors and other business partners in performing their everyday roles.
  3. Liability
    All of the above-mentioned conditions contain limitations of liability. In all cases where - for whatever reason - the applicability of one of the aforementioned conditions is lacking, our liability shall at all times be limited to an amount of €50.000 per event.